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Convention of States update: 13 states join, petition numbers grow

As the legislative season picks up steam, we want to keep our supporters abreast of the latest Convention of States news. Here are a few numbers you should know:

3 States Have Passed

Three states passed the Convention of States application last year: Georgia, Alaska, and Florida.

13 States Have Filed

So far this year, legislators from twelve states have filed the Convention of States application in their state's legislature: South Carolina, Kansas, Missouri, New Mexico, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Montana, Nebraska, Wyoming, Virginia, Massachusetts, Arizona, and North Dakota. These legislatures must pass the applications before they can be counted towards the necessary 34.

93,107 Petition Signers

Almost 100,000 people have signed the Convention of States petition, representing 95% of all state legislative districts in the United States. Thousands more sign every week. (Click here to sign the petition and remember to share it with your friends!)

493,054 Facebook Likes

Nearly 500,000 people have liked our national, state, and COS Action Facebook pages. Help us make it half a million! Click here to like our national Facebook page.

Those are the numbers you should know. Be looking for more Convention of States updates in the coming weeks.